
Immediate Savings

After implementing HPN’s services, clients see immediate improvements that result in:

  • Earlier detection and treatment of life-threatening problems
  • Better use of health care, company benefits, EAP and other resources
  • Reduced health costs and lost work time
  • Savings from greater efficiencies, vendor pricing discounts and reduced cost of goods –e.g. $40-$100 savings per person through improved service delivery
  • Lower rates of increase (Health Benefits costs)

Improved Use, Quality and Costs of Health Care

Through Medical Self Care, Early Detection and other tools, HPN clients have been able to document:

  • Reductions of 3-6 unnecessary visits to emergency rooms and doctors offices per employee/family per year
  • Improvements in early detection, treatment and necessary visits to emergency rooms and doctors offices for 11 - 17% of serious health problems per 100 employees/families per year
  • Savings in company/plan-paid claims from $186-$732 per family per year
  • Savings in personal out-of-pocket expenses averaging $136 per family per year

Returns on Investment Year after Year

HPN clients have documented returns on investment ranging from 3:1 to 15:1 per year. The range depends on the strategy and how it is implemented and reinforced. For example:

  • HPN’s self care training yields 15:1 ROIs each year for 5 consecutive years
  • Flu shots yield annual ROIs of 4:1 or greater depending on the workforce
  • Integrated multi-component strategies generate 8:1 or greater ROIs each year

Multiple Measures of Success

With HPN, your best practice solutions serve to improve health, health care, cost control, absenteeism and other key measures of success.

For more information about how HPN can help your organization, visit our Services section.