Frequently Asked Questions
How soon can we get our own Advantage Builder™ site?
Any group can get their own site and begin customizing it within 10-15 minutes – following the steps below.
- Click Pricing » then select the initial number of users to have access - the number of users to have access can be changed each month
- then select the monthly or 12-month option for the rate/month preferred » then the related Purchase button
- then during the next few steps add the information needed – about you, organization, site preferences, payment details
- when you submit payment » allow 1-3 minutes for confirmation, your site to be created, and a confirming message
- go to the left side of the home page and select Management for access to admin functions, resources, and controls
What options and support will we have for design, eligibility, access, and other areas?
You will have immediate abilities to do the following:
- Login and explore the site – then within the Management menu...
- Theme & Branding – add logo, color & image controls, site/benefit name
- Eligibility Tools – eligibility list and site code options, related tips, template, settings & import function
- Rewards and Challenges – start/end dates, show/hide quarterly points and leaderboards, other controls
- Communications – launch flyer to announce the site, add content page
- Content page – for welcome message, incentive/rewards, and other information you want to share with all eligible
- Other resources and functions – Users and Store for managing access, support, requests and fees
What groups can benefit from their own Advantage Builder™ site?
Employers and workforces – all types and sizes 20 or less to 1,000 or more
- Manufacturers, technical, financial, retail, food, medical, health care, other services... all types
- Unions and health plan members
- Public employers – municipal, park, school
- Health plans and members – self-funded, fully insured, PPO, HMO and other
Clinical groups – for small to large client populations (patients, members, users)
- Pathways community care HUBs, CHWs and clients
- Wellness services partners, specialists, and clients
- Health care providers of employer services – onsite primary care, occ med, screenings, other
- EAP, counseling and health coaching partners and clients
- Occupational health groups and clients
Other groups – for valued support and synergies
- Benefit consulting firms and clients
- TPAs and clients
- Employer/business groups, cooperatives, and members
- Trade groups, associations, and members
- Community service groups, members, and clients
What can your Advantage Builder™ site help with?
Your Advantage Builder site can help everyone with:
- Reducing risks for 100's of illnesses, conditions, and other avoidable problems
- Health concerns – diabetes, asthma, cancer, allergies, over 1,000 others
- Other topics – learning and other abilities, pregnancy, parenting and more
- Health goals – self, children – all ages through retirement years
- Better visits/calls with doctors
- Research – symptoms, problems, test, treatment, other options
- Health decisions
- Use & quality of care
- Improving preventive care
- Avoiding medical errors
- Avoiding needless out-of-pocket and other health costs, illnesses, lost income...
- More savings for other goals
- Wellbeing goals – mind, body, spirit, emotional, family & other relationships, work, financial, environment and quality of life
What resources are available to all our people for their goals and concerns?
Your Advantage Builder site offers everyone unlimited 24/7 access to these:
- Information and guidelines on over 5,000 topics
- Over 1,400 e-lessons
- Over 500 videos
- Over 170 decision tools
- Over 60 learning centers
- Symptom checker with links to key info
- Personal health power profile and other tools
- Some fun, inspiration, and motivation throughout the year
- Engaging ways of making the most of resources and actions that can help with goals
- Options for customizing site design, adding content, incentives, wellness screenings, and other support
- Flexibility to provide support for a few months, a year and more
What goals can our Advantage Builder™ site help with?
Better Health, Care and Wellbeing
- Prevention – lower risks of many accidents, injuries, illnesses, conditions, financial, social, job & other problems
- Early awareness – of risks, health issues, earlier care when less severe & easier to treat, improvement opportunities
- Quality of care – self-care, when to seek care, providers, visits, costs, informed decisions… fewer regrets
- Medical outcomes – preventive care, earlier care, compliance, faster, better recovery & healing, less costly care
- Adding strengths – for resilience, stress and change management skills & quality of life, work & relationships
- Wellbeing – physical, emotional, intellectual, social & other areas of life
- Financial wellbeing and savings for other goals – personal, family, business, community
Other Related Goals
- Saving lives, adding to joy in life & work, hope, key life skills & other strengths
- Adding to energy, growth, efficiencies, creativity, resourcefulness, productivity, successes in life
- Lower costs – e.g., insurance rates & trends, out-of-pocket expenses and other
- Reducing risks of burnout, absenteeism, loss of income, turnover
- Having more time, abilities, and years for other treasured goals
- Cultures of wellbeing at work, home, and community where all can grow and thrive
- Working together, making a difference in life
What helps to get the best results?
More people using the Advantage Builder site, resources, and tools -AND- using them throughout the year.
Groups with the best results experienced 90-95% of employees and spouses using the site, resources, and tools – on average every month or more often depending on interests, concerns and goals.
Here are some things that can help:
- Let everyone know about the site, it's resources, tools for many interests, needs and goals – personal, family and other
- Reinforce the site and resources as often as possible – some days, weeks… at least every month: a) In conversations; b) share feedback about use and helpfulness – yours and what others have shared with you; and c) reinforce during calls, zooms, in emails, articles and newsletters
- Turn on the leader boards in Well Rewards and the Challenges
- Put some motivational incentives in place for earning ___ (TBD) Well Reward points – total and if able, each quarter
- Put some motivational incentives in place for earning ___ (TBD) Challenge points for each or selected quarters
Note: for any of the above, HPN can share recommended TBD points, why, more details, resources and help to coordinate
What helps to get other key actions done?
Make it easier for everyone to get other important things done that help toward better health, care, and wellbeing – for example, having: a wellness screening, recommended preventive care; and savings toward retirement.
Here are some things other clients have done that result in engagement rates (90% or better) for the key actions below.
For wellness screenings, offer as many of these as possible:
- Onsite options - events at work or other locations where at least 20-30 or more will participate
- Option to get the screening done at local patient service centers
- Option to get the screening done via the primary care provider
- Cover the costs of the above via the health plan and/or other ways
- Encourage everyone to participate in Well Rewards
- The Awareness category rewards points for completing a risk assessment and wellness screening
For preventive care:
- Encourage everyone to participate in Well Rewards
- The Preventive Care category rewards points for getting recommended preventive care
- Reinforce sources of preventive care – e.g., primary care provider, applicable local pharmacies, clinics, other options
- Reinforce preventive care coverages through applicable health insurance plan(s) – e.g., waived out-of-pocket expenses for specific recommended preventive screenings and immunizations
For savings toward retirement:
- Encourage everyone to participate in Well Rewards
- The Financial Wellbeing category rewards points for some actions that help toward retirement savings
- Other categories reward points for actions that can avoid costly problems during the year and many years into the future – which helps to keep more money, and grow savings for other goals
- As able, offer health and other benefits that help to provide meaningful support and cost coverage
- As able, offer retirement plans that involve a company match
What helps even more to optimize initial and lasting results?
Here are few things other clients have done that have helped to optimize their results – year after year:
- Leadership team, training, and support – for health, care, wellbeing and other related goals
- Communications – in general, initial announcements, ongoing reinforcement of resources and results
- Encouraging affirmations, recognitions of talents, ideas, work, achievements, other contributions at work, in community
- Role models – as many as possible – leaders to all others… sharing how each uses the site, resources, helps others, etc
- Resources – to help with identified needs and goals – ergonomics, safety, stress, nutrition, fitness, EAP, other?
- Other – benefit plan design, policies (health, safety, codes of conduct), targeted training (HR, safety, other)
What research drives Advantage Builder and other support from HPN?
Short answers:
- Science and other research are the foundations of Advantage Builder and other support that HPN provides.
- The research spans the areas below (and others) via the degrees, expertise and libraries of HPN staff, advisors and clients.
- Ongoing training, periodic conferences, customer studies and experiences add to the cumulative knowledgebase.
- Other research involves real-time monitoring of applicable developments and news – U.S. and global.
Primary areas of research:
- Population Health, Workforce Health Promotion, Community Health, Health Determinants, Developmental Assets, Health & Illness Behavior, Stress, Resilience, Change, PTSD, ACES, SDOH, Financial & other areas of Wellbeing
- Risk Management & Loss Control, Root Cause Analysis, PRECEDE-PROCEED, Medical Self Care, Disease & Condition Management
- Health Sciences, Health Care, Medicine, Quality Care, Care Pathways, Community Care HUBs
- Human Factors Engineering, Human Performance, Industrial & other areas of Psychulogy
- Behavioral Economics, Diffusion Adoption & Social Change, Family Systems
- Health Communications, Education, Adult Learning, Evaluation
- Computer Science
- Applicable laws and regulations – HIPAA, ACA, ADA, GINA, HITECH, NSTI, cybersecurity, other
What have users shared about their custom site?
What I like most about the website...
- The website is easy to use… easy to read and find info… how helpful and convenient it is to use
- Being able to access my current and prior screening results... the e-learning lessons…there are so many things I like, it’s hard to decide.
- I like the ability to access medical questions I have and look up tests and treatments. When I have questions or concerns about a health condition, I can always get information that answers my concerns.
- I love the online reports and tools. They provide tons of information – what I could do about my results, what do discuss with my doctor and more. Now I’m watching what I eat and getting more exercise to improve my cholesterol.
- The website is fabulous, we use it all the time.
What I like most about the health care safety resources...
- Preparing for doctor visits, I actually listed all my health issues for my check-up appointments; it really helped.
- You know what questions to ask under different circumstances.
- Having a specific source readily available. Knowing you can have a trustworthy guide available whenever you need it.
- It helps you to make informed health care decisions. The information is well laid out and easy to understand. Easy to use.
Other comments...
- I love the focus on prevention! This is key to keeping costs under control and keeping people healthy and happy. Thank you.
- My doctor said that the screening helped us to find and take care of a problem long before my next routine physical exam.
- I never knew I was so healthy!
- You are very proactive! Keep up the good work!
What have business leaders shared about HPN?
From Business Leaders – 2002-2022
I have partnered with HPN over 20 years, through 2 major health systems. One size does not fit all and HPN’s ability to deliver a custom criteria-based wellness program that is both results driven and adapted to fit our culture is second to none. Healthcare is evolving faster than it ever has before and HPN willingness and ability to provide a best fit model vs. a canned approach has engaged and empowered our employees to a healthier life.
Executive Director, Benefits, Health Management and Broad-based Compensation
Globally Recognized Health Care System -
In the area of population health including wellness, preventive care, early detection, use and quality of care, disease/condition management and managing costs Bob Gorsky is an expert and true professional. His wealth of knowledge and experience is valuable to employers and health plans who want to bend the curve and manage their healthcare costs."
Jeff Lawler, Benefits Consultant (retired 2021 )
Gallagher Benefits Services -
We recognize that our employees are our competitive advantage. HPN has helped us to create a robust workforce that put us at the top in quality in the industry in which we operate.
Walt Reilly, Former Vice President
Human Resources, Elkay Manufacturing -
Our close working relationship with HPN Worldwide can be taken as a mark of confidence in getting practical and professional support that can save you time.
Jim Mortimer, Former President
Midwest Business Group on Health -
HPN Worldwide is the best kept secret in the Midwest.
David Sobel, MD MPH
Kaiser Permanente Years
What have expert reviewers shared about HPN, client support and results?
From Expert Reviewers – C Everett Koop National Health Awards Reviews. Selected strengths from reviewers of applications submitted for HPN clients about the design and results of their wellness benefit program for employees and families.
- Strengths of the HPN program include strong participation, union and management support, the inclusion of employees, spouses, dependents and retirees and a focus on continuous improvement. Good foundation of research and theory with qualified individuals conducting the evaluation. Reported data showing improvements in prevention, performance, tobacco use, BP and cholesterol, as well as cost savings from pre-program years.
- Excellent job of integrating wellness program into benefit design.
- Smartest approach of group. Attempted to create metrics for entire organization. Most meaningful metrics. Best of group.
- Program impacts are well documented on costs and risks.
- Comprehensive and integrated team approach to health improvement leveraging both internal and external partners.
- Unique organization with established and credible health and wellness partners. 2010 C. Everett Koop National Award Honorable Mention was received by this Union and HPN.
- Comprehensive approach to health improvement – individual, organization and community.
- Great value in the culture changing approach involving leadership, various dimensions of well-being, community outreach, and success stories.
- Liked the focus on medical consumerism, medical errors and wise use of the system in addition to typical wellness components.

Schedule a 30-minute demo with a product specialist and see the advantages for the better health, care, and wellbeing of everyone in your organization -and- all we can do together.
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